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Friday, December 21, 2007

Ron Paul Bears Empty Pot For Americans

I am a Ron Paul fan but this article got me thinking.

I know there are dissenting views on how things should be run in America, but the bottom line for me is that I can not stand the idea of the Clinton's running the country for another 4 years.

Do you realize that two families have been in power for over twenty years! Two - the Bush's and the Clinton's.

Think about it.

If Hillary gets the nod and convinces the "give me class" to use the power of government to steal your wealth and give it to them, we are setting ourselves up for 24 or 28 years of rule from just two families, two ideals, two ways of thinking, two lines of power.

Make no mistake, Hillary has one thing in mind - socialism. She is no more concerned about traditional American values of liberty, family, and faith than she is in defending the constitution. The constitution is simply a roadblock, a "living document", a framework, something to be manipulated to take power away from the people.

Make no mistake, the GOP has one thing in mind - fascism. Both parties are on the same track, just different trains. Do NOT be fooled again by fear and the flag and the cross and vote your freedom away. The education bill, NAFTA, CAFTA, no child left behind, the horrific Patriot Act, which effectively gives dictatorship authority to the president and suspends all your civil liberties and rights if deemed a "terrorist" all happened on the GOP watch.

Think NAFTA is no big deal?

Sinclair Lewis said: "When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."

28 years is a long time people.

We are not subjects - we are free people. We are not to be ruled over, we are to be governed by men and women we elect to represent US! The power behind the office of President is granted by the people. It is not a right for a privileged few, it is the office of the people, for the people, by the people.

Don't you think it is time for someone else to have a go at it?

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