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Monday, December 3, 2007

Hackers Suck

My FTP server at the office was under attack this weekend. It took some hit's, got a black eye, but in the end I think I won the day.

I am sure it was a script kiddie attack, because they left so many tracks I would have to have been blind to not notice. If I had been compromised by a "real" attack I would never know it. Well, I would figure it out eventually, since I pay fairly close attention to my servers acting up.

Not to mention they "speak" to me.

They are kind of like my little digital children, and I just know when they are sick. Some of these servers have been under my care for 10 years. The fact that they still run is a testament to my ability to keep them from harm. They run Microsoft software for heaven sake, which makes it even more amazing.

The FTP server break in was my fault. I let some security slide to make things easier on our clients. I made the mistake of giving write permissions for files and directories. They were able to confuse Explorer and launched from there. Part of the attack was to use remote access to call out and give them direct connectivity to the box.

Once into my network they went to work on my firewall and stupidly killed it locking them out until I re-booted it. I replaced the firmware this morning and all is well.

I watched as they tried to get back in this afternoon and banned their IP. all is well for now as I have changed the permissions on my directories.

I will have to be extra careful for the next week. It is a game for these idiots and one I don't have the time to be playing.

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