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Monday, November 26, 2007

Turkey - the other dumb meat.

These things just beg to be eaten. Anything that ugly, that stupid, and with that much tasty meat can only have been designed for one purpose.


It looks like the head on these hideous creatures has already been partially chewed just to bring home the point.

They are so completely divorced from intelligence, eating them actually sets up lethargy in the carnivore. A few grams of tryptothane can render most males helpless after dinner. Imagine the effect this chemical must have on the bird. No wonder turkeys walk around mouths gaping open.

I have noticed that females seem immune to tryptothane. Dishes get done, food put away, pie served, and kids herded outside all by the end of the first quarter of the Detroit game. It is amazing, and further study is in order.

Tis the season for turkey. Time to get all sugared up and wait in line to buy stuff I don't really need, but at that price suddenly find one. Time to shake of restraint and gear up for parties and hot cocoa and dipped salty stuff. Time to bring out the fat clothes and pack on a few pounds just in case global warming is all wrong and we have 9 months of winter.

After all there are only 29 more shopping days left until Christmas. So much turkey - so little time.

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